Support First in, First out (FIFO) processing to enable message ordering, send messages to or pull messages from queues, create a message exchange to publish and subscribe (pub/sub), or send a message to multiple queues to decouple applications and enable scale.

Automatically enable persistent data storage across multiple data centers to ensure that your message queue architecture can handle data center outages and has full disaster recovery. Encrypt message queues to secure data at rest, or send messages to dead letter queues for additional reliability.

Send or receive messages from any Mule application running in the cloud or on-premises. Easily interface with non-Mule applications using Anypoint MQ REST APIs.

Get usage statistics on the number of messages and API requests to manage peak usage, built-in support for role-based access control, client application management, MQ monitoring tools, statistics, and queue management.

Anypoint Studio
The desktop IDE for building and testing APIs and integrations for Anypoint Platform
Anypoint Design Center
Design and build APIs and integrations at lightning speed, all in one product