Consume and reuse your APIs faster with Anypoint DataGraph

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  Trust is our #1 value, so rest assured your email is safe. Learn more about the use of personal data in our Privacy Policy.


As companies build up their network of APIs, it becomes increasingly complex to serve the data needed for each project. Each project needs data in slightly different ways, and likely from several APIs at a time. The goal is to reuse multiple APIs at once — get data across multiple APIs at the same time, with just one request, and no custom work.

Learn how Anypoint DataGraph helps customers:

  • Unify APIs into powerful data services.
  • Consume many APIs in a single GraphQL request.
  • Reach new levels of productivity.
Presented by:

Kevin Balaji, Senior Manager, Product Marketing at MuleSoft
Jimil Patel, Senior Manager, Product Marketing at MuleSoft