Customer spotlight: IATA — Integration strategy for reopening

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Like many organizations, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) was hit hard by the global pandemic. However, due to their integration strategy and IT delivery model, IATA was able to overcome business challenges with speed and agility so they could support their members, lobby governments, and get passengers back on board safely.

Join this customer spotlight to learn:

  • How IATA adapted to the global pandemic to support airlines and travel agents worldwide.
  • How IATA's IT delivery model is driving speed and agility.
  • Best practices to apply to your reopening strategy.


About IATA

The International Air Transport Association (IATA) is the trade association for the world’s airlines, representing some 290 airlines or 82% of total air traffic. IATA supports many areas of aviation activity and helps formulate industry policy on critical aviation issues. IATA is heavily involved in safety and security, environment sustainability, aviation infrastructure for growth, government regulation, digital transformation and efficiency of airline processes. Today, IATA is playing a critical role in safely reopening borders, restarting operations and reconnecting the world.

Presented by:

Pascal Buchner, CIO, IATA