Unlock and Analyze Data with MuleSoft and Tableau

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  Trust is our #1 value, so rest assured your email is safe. Learn more about the use of personal data in our Privacy Policy.


When business and IT leaders make strategic decisions based on data and insights, they are 23x more likely to add customers and 19x more likely to be profitable. This can be incredibly difficult to deliver on, though, because data is often siloed across numerous applications, databases, and legacy systems. This demo will show you how business and IT leaders can integrate and analyze all their data with MuleSoft, Tableau, and Slack to unlock the true power of their data.

Presented by:

Vijayan Ganapathy, Product Manager, B2B solutions, MuleSoft
Grant Joseph, Senior Solutions Engineer, Tableau
Nicole Zelingher, Solutions Engineer, MuleSoft
Ben Spicer, Product Marketing Manager, MuleSoft