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iBeans — "Dead Simple" Integration for Web Apps

Today's connected applications often require integration with multiple data sources and other applications. iBeans are reusable integration components that can easily be created in minutes, without writing custom code or involving more heavyweight integration infrastructure.

Developers using iBeans can connect their web apps, written in Java or JavaScript, with other applications and external data sources, via Web Services, RSS feeds, RESTful services, AJAX events, message queues (e.g., JMS), and

  • Eliminate tedious integration coding
    Annotate methods in your Java code to do specific integration tasks (e.g., sending a message, receiving messages from an end point, transforming data, etc) whenever the method is called. iBeans eliminate hundreds of lines of code that you may have to write to perform the equivalent action without iBeans.
  • Deploy connected Web applications without integration infrastructure
    Seamlessly run iBeans-enabled applications in Tcat, which includes the iBeans runtime, so you can avoid time consuming steps of installing integration infrastructure.
  • Configure integration endpoints from the Tcat console
    Configure various iBeans end points that you can consume from your application using an easy-to-use web interface included as part of the Tcat administration console.
  • Reuse off-the-shelf iBeans developed by the community
    Download and reuse off-the-shelf iBeans from iBeans Central, a free repository of iBeans that is hosted in the cloud and is accessed via the Tcat console. Examples in iBeans Central include iBeans for services such as TwitterGmailFlickr, and Amazon EC2.